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Am I living sustainably?

Especially in the current difficult times of our society, I ask myself all the more, what can I do that helps our world and future. The topic of climate change immediately pops into my head. What can I do in my everyday life or how can my contribution look like, so that the environment is protected? I think that nowadays it is very important that everyone thinks about the simplest things in their everyday life in terms of their necessity.

That's why I created a little test for you, where you can see a tendency, to what extent you live sustainably.

Test: Do I live sustainably?

1. how do you eat?

A) I eat a lot of meat.

B) I eat vegetarian.

C) I eat vegan.

2) How do you get around?

A) By car.

B) By public transportation.

C) By bicycle or on foot.

3. do you fly often?

A) Several times a year.

B) Rarely.

C) Not at all.

4. do you order online a lot?

A) Several times a week.

B) 1-2 times a month.

C) 2 times a year or less.

5. do you often buy new clothes?

A) Yes, whenever I like something.

B) Only when necessary, but I also go to flea markets.

C) I only buy second hand.

6) What about garbage?

A) Everything in the residual waste.

B) I separate the garbage.

C) I produce very little garbage.

7. do you make sure that you buy products without much packaging?

A) I do not pay attention to it.

B) I buy what I can without packaging.

C) I do not buy products that have too much packaging. _____________________________


Now add up which answers (A, B or C) you took the most.

A: In terms of sustainability, your current lifestyle is not aligned.

B: You are already on the right track, but there is still room for improvement.

C: Your lifestyle is aligning well with sustainability. But stay tuned is the motto here! In addition, you will find the well-known R-rules, which can help you to reduce the ecological rucksack of your personal lifestyle.


Rethink: Think about whether you could do without certain products, especially if you are about to buy a new product that is still in good working order.

Refuse: Instead of buying: (lend), share, exchange.

Reduce: When buying, make sure that products are economical in use and last a long time.

Re-use: Buy used products! And use products such as IT equipment, furniture and clothing as long as possible. If you no longer like the products, check whether giving them away or selling them is an alternative to throwing them away.

Repair: Try to repair defective products instead of throwing them away. Make sure that spare parts are available at the time of purchase.

Recycle: Apart from the correct separation of waste to facilitate recycling at the disposal companies, recycling also works on a small scale at home: Sometimes products can still be used for other purposes, if not as a whole, then in parts.

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